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Sparc recognition – FAQ’s

1. Who/what is SPARC?

SPARC (Sport and Recreation New Zealand) is the government agency looking after Sport in New Zealand. They deal with National Sports Organisations and Regional Sports Trusts to promote outcomes such as a more active population, and better success at international sporting events. SPARC was formed in February 2002 following the merger of the Hillary Commission, the New Zealand Sports Foundation and the policy arm of the Office of Tourism and Sport. – SPARC Website

2. What is SPARC recognition?

SPARC provides for four different support categories for National Sport Organisations; Recognition, Development, Participation and Performance. The most basic of these and the first category all sports have to satisfy is Recognition. Recognition does not entitle a sport to funding directly from SPARC, but opens other avenues for funding, including Gaming Fund Grants. Once on the SPARC radar as a recognition sport, SPARC offers help to National Sports Organisations in order for them to work up through the support categories. Initially, Recognition is the category that the NZFDA will apply to.

3. Why does the NZFDA need to be SPARC recognised?

Being SPARC recognised is now a requirement when applying for funds from the TAB, community trusts and gaming machines. Many schools also require sports taught, coached or participated in by students to be SPARC recognised. SPARC Recognition is the mark of status that provides a sport with credibility in New Zealand.

4. Why can’t Discgolf or the NZUA be SPARC recognised independently if they want?

SPARC will only recognise one National Sports Organisation affiliated to their recognised international governing body. For Disc Sports this international body is the World Flying Disc Association and if ultimate decided to gain SPARC recognition this would prohibit discgolf from becoming recognised at some time in the future. It is for this reason that the NZFDA has to become SPARC recognised on behalf of all disc sports; ultimate, discgolf, etc. The National Organisation must also be a registered as an incorporated body and have been operating as one for at least 2 years - both discgolf and ultimate as individual sports do not meet this criteria. In addition it is the policy of SPARC to try and incorporate many sports under the same umbrella. The first example of this is Bike NZ, which is a governing body set up under orders from SPARC to look after all bicycle sports. Many other sports are undergoing this merging process right now. IN intial discussion NZUA has had with SPARC it has already stated it would like to recognise the NZFDA as the National Sporting Organisation for all discsports, rather than each individual disc sport.

5. What does SPARC offer the NZFDA?

"SPARC provides both financial support and assistance with business development to National Sport Organisations so that they can operate effectively into the future." - SPARC Website

SPARC’s recognition opens doors to more funding operators, not just for the NZFDA, but also for all bodies associated with the sport. In addition, SPARC works with recognised sports in order to move them up through the support categories, with assistance available in Strategic Planning, as well as governance issues and High Performance programmes.

6. What benefits are there for the NZFDA from being SPARC recognised?

The benefits are more so in the long term as/ if the NZFDA moves through the different support categories.

Short Term (Immediate)

  • Able to access funds from the TAB, gaming machines and community trusts.

Long Term

  • Access to SPARC resources; coaching courses, business development, governance tools, etc
  • Are eligible to apply for targeted athlete and coach support
  • More funding opportunities

7. What criteria does the NZFDA have to meet to become recognised?

  • Have as it’s main purpose the management of sport
  • Be the sole affiliated NZ member of the recognised international governing for that sport
  • Be registered as an incorporated body with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies
  • Have been incorporated and operational for a minimum of two years prior to applying for recognition
  • Agree to adopt such policies as required by SPARC from time to time.
  • Have and implement an anti-doping code that satisfies SPARC’s requirements

8. How does the NZFDA make an application?

Complete and submit the SPARC Organisation Profile along with the following;

  • NZFDA Anti-doping Policy (NZUA will write on behalf of the NZFDA)
  • NZFDA Constitution
  • Most recent NZFDA audited accounts.

9. How much does it cost?

Nothing, it’s free.

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